Weta Workshop Apex Legends - Mirage Figures of Fandom

Weta Workshop

SKU: 145003046

Dimensions: 12.5 cm x 16 cm x 7.5 cm
Availability: 1 in stock
Shop in Riga (G.Dambis 36)

Gorgeous. Charming. Champion. The Mirage. Legendary on the playing fields of both love & life.

Ready. Set. Collect. Champions from all corners of the globe compete for glory, fame and fortune in Apex Legends. Weta Workshop is entering the Wild Frontier to show ‘em what real misfits are made of, Mini Epics style.


In 2017, under the bright lights of San Diego Comic-Con, Mini Epics were born! Much smaller than swords and shields – and a great deal more chatty. Super-stylised and ultra-expressive, this new cast of characters was created by Weta Workshop’s collectibles team, a dedicated crew of artists, technicians, craftspeople, and producers, all relishing the chance to distil oodles of personality into a small EPIC package. The results speak for themselves. That knowing sparkle in those eyes – you didn’t think it got there by accident, do you? Tilt your head a little to the left and you might just catch a wink. Endlessly collectible. Totally adorable. These pint-sized figures have BIG personalities. Collect them all!
Brand Weta Workshop
Weight 400g

Dimensions: 4.92" x 6.29" x 2.95" (W x H x D) 12.5 cm x 16 cm x 7.5 cm
Principal Sculptor: Mauro Santini



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